Canvas Rebel Feature
Ron DizonMy passion for how things are made turned into my dream job, i remember when i was a kid all i played with was hotel wheels never realizing that i would never actually be apart of making a real car one day. My first car was a 1969 VW bug and it really taught me a lot about fixings cars. It ended up turning into a hobby and fixing/modifying cars and turned into a business in my early 20s i was selling performance parts, building motors, etc. So i started thinking about my future and decided to go to college for automotive engineering and committed my time to make this a professional career. While i was going to college i was working at Buena Park Honda Dealership because in order to be able to build cars i would need to know how to fix them and when i started at the dealership it made me realize the industry was changing and i couldn’t see myself here forever but i used it as a training ground to make me better. A year after graduation i get a call from my professor and mentioned if i was interested in a internship at American Honda Motor Co. i thought to myself that what if i could solve some of the industry inefficiency by taking this position in Instructional Design position training technicians. I was able to hold this position at honda for 2 years before moving in the Automotive Engineering at Honda to have to opportunity to prevent problems before the customers actually receive the cars. Another opportunity to work at Hyundai Technical Center to also improve vehicle engineering before customers receive it. Then my biggest leap was working at Toyota Technical Center which was the greatest experience, if you could see it as a dojo to what made Toyota the most successful automotive maker. The skills learned can absolutely be applied business and this is why many companies use Toyota Way to make them more efficient. After my almost 10 year career Toyota was moving to Michigan and had to decide if i was going to continue with the company but the decision was easy because i had to consider my wife’s and my kids future of not being able to grow up with grandparents, aunts, uncles, friends. So i decided to leave Toyota to move into a totally different industry which was aerospace working for SpaceX and what an amazing experience it made me look at a 100 year old industry and it can change and be built differently then the 100 year old practices. But i was really missing Automotive my passion and heart has been there, after almost a year a SpaceX another opportunity couldn’t have come at a better time. I started my career back in automotive with Faraday Future a brand new EV manufacturer. When i started we didn’t have a car yet, just drawings, and building structures that simulated our vehicle that we were building. In my head i saw the greatest opportunity that would allow me to be part of history, the difference with the companies i worked for was they were already established 70-30years at least beside SpaceX. I still currently work at Faraday Future and we starting with delivering vehicles in a couple months 8years later. From drawing to actually delivering a vehicle is an amazing accomplishment. While i was working at Faraday that’s when i started working on Teofilo Coffee Co, and between SpaceX and Faraday i started to realize that doing it differently will separate how i would introduce Filipino Coffee to the world , i not following anyone im just creating a company with a big why and a mission. Honestly the most proudest things are very simple for me i have great life and my family keeps me working hard to show them that anything is possible when you work hard. Im not trying to chase titles im trying to change my world and thats why the mission is to Give Back to the Philippines.
Any thoughts, advice, or strategies you can share for fostering brand loyalty?
I believe in being absolutely transparent when i started my company, i was really honest and would tell a lot of my customers from the beginning when i started at the farmers market if it sucks please let us know. I think just being honest and up front about the product to not even sell it has led us to why we are successful.